Tbm manifestation journal
Tbm manifestation journal


Jess and Amanda cover the ever-shifting goalpost of growth, impostor syndrome, personal glass ceilings, the energetics of moving out of an old manifestation, and they even give tangible resources for jumping off these cliffs.


Her lesson for us today is about learning to tune into those intuitive whispers that are asking you to grow, with actionable advice on how to take inventory of your life to ensure that you’re still in alignment. Because change and growth are never ending pursuits! And funny enough, that’s what this episode is about. Though Amanda has flown from the nest, she is back on the pod to give us another dose of wisdom. It’s hard to imagine TBM without the illustrious Amanda Blair, our first TBM coach and relationship extraordinaire.


* Unblock with us! Wanna find out why you’re not manifesting? Start our free mini-workshop! * Get Expanded! The Motivation - Testimonial Library * Learn the Process! Expanded Podcast - How to Manifest Anything You Desire * Alexis Smart x TBM EXPANDED Flower Remedy * Text Us: +1-2(texting is only for US, Canada, & Puerto Rico) * Book an Unblocking Session or an EMDR Intensive with Janelle! Wholeness Collective Therapy 244 - What To Do When Your Career Flow Dries Up: Unblocking Ego 256 - What It Feels Like To Meet Your Magnetic Self - The Process with TBM Member Marina * Find all workshops mentioned inside our Pathway Membership! (Including the Monthly Check-in) * Try Kajabi all in one business platform free for 30 days with TBM link * Colostrum: Immune Revival - Immune barrier superfood _Six weeks to High self-worth & true confidence_ (Join anytime!) Join our Pathway membership to get access The Magnetic Self Challenge!

tbm manifestation journal

Tickets for The Magnetic Self Speaking Tour with Lacy & Jessica are LIVE! * How to gain magnetism through rock bottoms, worst case scenarios (00:17:20) * The energetic background of having the rug pulled out from under you (00:10:52) * Using triggers and negative emotions as roadmaps for manifestation * Specific life examples from the TBM team * The importance of facing your fears and the magnetism on the other side * Dealing with worst-case scenarios, rock bottoms, unexpected tests

tbm manifestation journal

* Energetic and psychological perspectives * How to navigate when the rug is pulled out from under you with Lacy, Jessica and Janelle! If you’re ready to befriend your fear, press play.


It’s full of timeless wisdom that we all could stand to hear no matter where we are in our process. Send this episode to the person who needs it and save this episode for yourself. Who better to do that than Lacy, Jess, and Janelle, as they explain the difference between perceived fear and actual fear, how your fear is pointing you toward your manifestation, how to let go, how to find your footing during this time, and so much more. And this episode is here to hold your hand through the worst of it. You might hate to hear it, but it’s true.

tbm manifestation journal

It’s about learning to see them for what they truly are, and that’s a gift. Life is not about avoiding rock bottoms (you can’t). That, my friends, is what we at TBM call “a rock bottom.” And lord knows they come in all shapes and sizes! So here’s the thing. Maybe you’re knee deep in financial struggles. Who here has had the rug pulled out from beneath them? 🙋‍♀️Maybe it’s a relationship ending, you’re having to exit a job, a house, or a friend dynamic. And by pressing play, the process begins!Ĭreate your daily manifestation practice in The Pathway, our all-access workshop membership, found on or. So, by tuning into this podcast with interviews from experts, thought leaders, spiritual teachers, scientists, and those with Neural Manifestation™ success stories, you are starting the process of “Expanding” your subconscious in order to ‘see to believe’ that anything you desire is possible. Part of our manifestation process entails “expanding” past your limiting subconscious beliefs. We cover topics like inner child healing, shadow work, boundaries, how to reprogram your subconscious mind (and why this is so important), clarity, how to manifest dreams, create magnetism, and harness intuition. Our goal is to normalize the practice of manifestation and empower you to get into the driver's seat of your life in order to manifest the experiences, relationships, and things that most align with your authenticity. While Expanded ranks as one of the best spiritual podcasts, our focus is really on the science and psychology behind manifestation. It’s based on Neural Manifestation™, TBM’s unique process that’s rooted in neuroscience, psychology, epigenetics, and energetics– with a little spirituality sprinkled on top. The Expanded Podcast is the leading manifestation podcast, hosted by Lacy Phillips, founder of To Be Magnetic™ and co-hosted by TBM’s Director of Podcast & Media, Jessica Gill.

Tbm manifestation journal